
Staycation Tips


1) Start and end date for your Staycation
Just as you would with a vacation, schedule a beginning and ending for your staycation to make it feel like a vacation. Otherwise, it runs the risk of feeling like just another string of nights in front of the television.

2) Don't do any chores
That means no chores! Don't make the bed, vacuum, clean out the closets, pull weeds, nothing. NO HONEY DO LIST! You're on Staycation!

3) Turn off the phone and computer
The point of a staycation is to have a vacation, and the point of a vacation is to get away from the demands of your regular life. To truly do so, you need to stop being on call, and set your phone to go straight to voicemail. You can check your messages each night if you want to, and decide who you want to call back. Put a stop on you mail. This is not the time to see or worry about any bills. Also be sure to un-plug you computer, you might be tempted to do some work.

4) Try something different
When was the last time you went dancing, hiking or biking not including "Bike to Work Day"? Visit your local Jazz, Blues or Comedy clubs. Plan your staycation around a concert or theater production you want to attend. Try something different: One of the advantages of a traditional vacation is that it puts you in a different environment, where the opportunity to try something new is greater than usual. There is no reason you can't apply this same idea to your staycation. Check out your local scene for activities that you might not normally do but sound fun.

5) Don't plan to much for yourself
As you indulge in the fun that your city has to offer, remember to schedule in some down time to read, relax, sleep in, and do all the things people really like to do on a traditional vacation. The idea of a staycation is to feel like you've gotten a break, so be sure you get one. Just balance it out with fun activities, too.

6) Being around water can be very relaxing
Sometimes just looking out at the vastness of the ocean or the placidness of a lake can be a transporting experience. It might not be the perfect vacation, but sometimes seeing an expanse that huge can really put things into perspective, which is what a staycation is all about. If you can go boating do so. Go swimming or just sit near a pool. You get the point, being around water can be very relaxing, so go fishing.

7) Don't be afraid to live a little
Just getting away for a night or two at a local hotel can feel exotic and fun. It can make all the difference in the world between a great staycation, or just hanging around the house for a week. Nothing really says vacation like sleeping on a bed with a high thread-count and having dinner brought up to your hotel room while you take a bubble bath. Since you're only going to spend a night or two, really take advantage of the amenities and the facilities: if they have a concierge, have them book you a few restaurants. More than anything else, just enjoy that feeling of being away from home and not having to clean up the mess you make. If you want to go to brunch, go shopping or get a massage, you should do so. It contributes to the carefree mindset you're trying to capture with your staycation.

8) Be a tourist
Staycation means you can play hometown tourist, and enjoy the fun things that your city (or surrounding areas) have to offer, which you normally might go out of your way to experience. You may also be more inclined to do such fun things during the rest of the year when you're not vacationing, which might provide a nice little escape that can help stave off burnout. Do all the touristy things that you've never done in and around your home. You know, all that fun stuff you've never done, do it. Or at least, one of them.

9) Spend some of your time with the people you enjoy
Picnic in the park or nice restaurant.

10) Do nothing or very little
Do nothing: Never underestimate the value of waking up when you want to and doing whatever you want, whenever you want, all day long. Don't feel like your staycation has to produce any tangible results - it doesn't. Just getting renewed and refreshed is reward enough.

The best vacation you ever had just may be a staycation. Remember the best staycations include some NEW adventure close but away from home. Take some pictures so you will have something to remember your staycation by as well as talk about once you return to work. Have a Great Staycation!

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