


1) If you want out of your current job...
If you want out of your current job, try to keep it as long as possible while trying to land a new one. Companies like to hire workers who they believe are in demand; it can take twice as long for an unemployed worker to find a job.

2) If you are being let go...
If you are being let go, try to negotiate with your company to call it a "layoff" or a "resignation" instead of a "termination,". This will make it much easier to get that next job.

3) If you are ever asked why were you fired?
The best answer might be something like,. I look at it as blessing in disguise. I took the wrong job that was never right for me. Now I have a chance to work for the type of company and do the type of work I really want that fits my qualifications and interests.

4) Resume Mistakes
The goal here is to obtain quality interviews. Avoid some of these "Resume Mistakes" and you might land that dream job. Job Duties: Answer phones, file papers, respond to customer e-mails, take odors, billing, printing and coping; References: Bill, Tom, Eric...But I don't know their phone numbers; Objective: Student today. Vice president tomarrow; Education: Speak English and Spinach; Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer;

Old email or mailing address, wrong phone numbers, spelling and typing errors are hard to over look. They show a lack of education and focus for someone entering the work force for the first time, and professionalism for someone looking to advance their career. Don't include a link to your personal website or FaceBook page. Resume lies include any overstatement of work history or accomplishments, work position or titles, and academic achievements. Your resume should communicate career progression and intelligent, meaningful contribution you can and want to make for this company now.

5) Body language speaks volumes
Sit up and speak up! Always begin and end every interview with a firm hand shake and smile. Slouching, staring at the floor, folding your arms or putting your hands in your pockets can turn a hiring manager against you, even if you are well qualified for the job.

6) Make sure your credit report...
Make sure your credit report and financial background information are accurate. Prospective employers routinely check for bad credit scores, bankruptcies and lawsuits. Companies definitely do troll the Internet looking for dirt on prospective employees. Any inappropriate language or photos is a big strike against you. If they see something they don't like, they'll just give you some other reason why they didn't hire you.

7) Follow-up calls...
Follow-up calls after an interview make you appear needy and desperate to hiring managers. They know whom they want for the job, and will let you know if they're interested.

8) Do's and Don'ts of the work place
Even though many companies allow workers to dress more casually at work, there are limits. Sloppy or "too sexy" clothes, piercings, tattoos or brightly dyed hair often penalize you at work. Look at how you dress as a reflection of what kind of worker you are. While employers appreciate the experience that older workers bring to the table, they are wary of those who might have health issues or are falling behind the latest trends and technology. Older workers should dye their hair if it's gray. If a boss hears you gossiping in the break room, he/she will assume you are someone that likes to talk behind other peoples backs.

9) It's not necessarily the most skilled...
It's not necessarily the most skilled and hardest-working employees who are protected from being let go by a company. It's important to stay on the good side of your boss and focus on his/her priorities, not yours.

10) Breaking that glass ceiling
One of the keys to breaking that glass ceiling is to be a team player. There is no I in TEAM. The results will be better and you'll gain the trust and confidence of your colleagues. Always show respect to your superiors and subordinates. Dress for success and show that you belong. Talk is cheap, show that you are a leader by being a good listener that takes ideas from a variety of sources, and is not afraid to get ones hands dirty by doing. Never think that you know everything there is to know about the company. Learning is a lifelong process, and the importance of what you learn doesn't always have the stamp of a degree. Perseverance, determination and drive can't hurt.

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